Monday, September 20, 2010

How to Do Deep Breathing in Self Hypnosis

How to Do Deep Breathing in Self Hypnosis

Learning deep breathing techniques can offer an effective way to relax and reduce tension. Once you master this method, you'll find that it can provide pain relief, stress reduction and improved focus. Deep breathing is the first step in learning the art of self hypnosis.


Choose a quiet place where you can be uninterrupted for several minutes. Sit in a comfortable chair and relax. Sit straight and don't cross your feet.


Put your hands on your stomach so you can feel the air moving in and out of your diaphragm. Focus on your breathing.


Take a deep breath through your nose. Imagine that your stomach is a balloon that you're filling with air. Keep you hands on your stomach so you can feel it expanding.


Exhale slowly through your nose as if the balloon is deflating. Imagine that the air is moving from your stomach, through your body and out the top of your head.


Continue deep breathing slowly as you feel your body relaxing. Repeat several times.

Tips & Warnings

Deep breathing in self hypnosis can be done with your eyes opened or closed. Choose the method that feels most comfortable for you.

Turn on quiet music if it helps you to relax. If it distracts you, leave it off.

If it's difficult for you to relax, and focusing is a challenge, keep practicing. It will get easier with time. Soon, you'll begin to feel the benefits of deep breathing and self hypnosis.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How to Do Cross-Fiber Massage

How to Do Cross-Fiber Massage

Cross-fiber massage, also known as Canadian deep muscle massage, was first written about in the 1800s. It is a form of deep massage therapy that is used to break up adhesion in muscle groups. Therapist trained in this modality of massage are usual trained to address specific problems of muscle dysfunction. Cross-fiber massage works to loosen and stretch muscle groups increasing blood flow to the area and increasing muscle health. It is known to have quick affective results. Cross-fiber massage is usually done without oil or lotion. During the massage the therapist uses thumbs, knuckles, fingertips and elbows to achieve deep pressure.

Things You'll Need:


Firm, but comfortable surface for your partner to lie on, such as a massage table, bed or mat on the floor

knowledge of anatomy, specifically the direction that various muscle fibers run


With feedback from your partner, choose the area that you will work on.


Once you've chosen that, picture the muscle in your mind. Which way do the fibers of that muscle run?


Find the belly of the muscle.


Chose a tool that you feel comfortable using. You can use your fingertips, thumb, elbow, knuckles or a massage tool such as a knobble.


Place your tool on the belly of the muscle and begin to move it back and forth at a ninety degree angle to the muscle fibers. You want to move across the muscle fibers not with them. Make sure that your tool isn't gliding across the skin. It should just be moving across the muscle fibers.


Start out working lightly. As the tissue loosens and warms up you can work more deeply.

Tips & Warnings

Always pay attention to your partner's response to the massage.

Make sure you aren't straining while giving the massage.

If you want to do cross-fiber massage, you should attend a course that will teach you the proper way to do it. Any deep tissue massage can cause harm if not done correctly.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to Do Concentration Meditation

How to Do Concentration Meditation

The advantages of meditation for both mental and physical health are numerous. Meditation may look simple--after all, you are just sitting still. But it is really quite difficult to quiet your mind. Concentration meditation is one method of meditation that gives your thoughts something to focus on instead of wandering aimlessly.


Sit comfortably on a chair or on the floor with your back erect and straight. Classic meditation positions include sitting on the floor with your legs crossed, or in a kneeling position with your bottom resting on your heels. Consider buying a meditation cushion or a stool--called a "zafu" and a "seiza" respectively--to enhance your regular meditation practice and ease discomfort in your legs and hips.


Place your hands on your knees. Keep your neck and shoulders neutral, make sure they are not hunched up and tight. Close your eyes.


Pay attention to your breathing. Count each inhalation and exhalation silently and slowly in your mind until you reach 10, and then start over again at one. Over time, as this becomes easier, slow your counting even more so that you only count each set of inhalation/exhalation rather than each individual one.


Bring your focus back to your breathing whenever your thoughts start to wander, which they inevitably will. This happens to everyone, it is not a sign of failure or your inability to meditate. Acknowledge your thoughts, and then gently let them go without blame or anger. Re-focus on your breathing.


Stop counting after several days or weeks of meditation practice as you get more focused. Concentrate only on the sensations of your breathing. Feel the air against your nose as you inhale. Notice your belly fill with air and then relax again as you exhale. Repeat with the next breath, and the next, and the next.


Find something else to use as your anchor if you are experiencing extreme difficulty concentrating on your breathing. Choose a visual or physical focus, such as a candle's flame or a spot on the wall. Or try using an auditory focus like reciting a mantra such as "om."

Friday, September 17, 2010

How to Do Chest Hair Meditation

How to Do Chest Hair Meditation

While the idea of chest hair meditation is not well known, this discipline can be a great way to help soothe ruffled nerves and help to restore emotional balance. Requiring very little other than a desire to relax and a quiet place to conduct the meditation, it is possible to receive benefits from this type of meditative practice after only a few sessions.

Things You'll Need:

Quiet place

Loose clothing

Comfortable seating, such as a floor pillow

Soothing background music (optional)

Incense or scented candles (optional)

Doing Chest Hair Meditation


Prepare the meditation area. This will include making sure the space is private, has a comfortable temperature, and has seating that is comfortable enough to allow the individual to center for the meditation without being distracted by bodily discomfort. For people who find that gentle music or scents help to allow the mind to move away from mental and emotional tension, a music player of some type along with incense or a scented candle can be added to the area.


Select loose and comfortable clothing. A shirt is not necessary, unless the individual prefers the feel of material along the line of the shoulders and on the arms. As long as the garment can be easily opened to allow visual contact with the chest, that is fine.


Sit in a comfortable position. This may include settling into a comfortable chair or sitting in a Lotus position on the floor. The type of seating is irrelevant as long as the position will remain comfortable and not distract the individual from the purpose of the meditation.


Begin to center down. This may include closing the eyes to disconnect from visual distractions. Take slow and even breaths, allowing the tensions of the day to drain away. Continue the breathing for several minutes, or until you feel relaxed and ready to move on to the next phase of the meditation.


Open your eyes and focus on the hairs of the chest. Observe the contours of the hair, as well as the texture, but be aware of images or shapes that may come to mind. This is not unlike the childhood pastime of observing images in passing clouds. Allow your observations of the shapes suggested by the contours of the chest hair to guide your thoughts into places that help to create serenity and other positive emotions.


Continue even breathing while contemplating the chest hair contours and the images that come to mind during the process. Breathing is important to maintaining a balance during the meditative period.


Return to a full state of awareness. When your mind begins to tell you it is time to end the session of meditation, take a moment to reflect on and cherish the images and thoughts that helped to bring some peace into the meditation. Close your eyes for a moment or two and continue the steady breathing. Open your eyes and prepare to reconnect with the world at large.

Tips & Warnings

Meditation is often helpful in managing stress and anxiety, as well as affording some quite moments to allow the subconscious to bring forth important thoughts to the attention of the conscious mind. When practiced regularly, meditation can provide many physical as well as emotional benefits, including lowering blood pressure.

Chest hair meditation can be conducted with a trusted friend. Take positions where it is possible to observe the contours of chest hair of each participant. However, it is usually more beneficial to not speak aloud during the meditation.

Do not expect instant results. Meditation, like any discipline, can take time to yield benefits. If you have trouble settling down or “centering” at first, be patient with yourself, as the action will become easier with time.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How to Do Calisthenics for Headache Relief

How to Do Calisthenics for Headache Relief

If a headache is slowing down your busy day, take a few minutes and do some calisthenics for relief. Learning how to do a few simple facial and scalp calisthenics can help to reduce muscle tension in the head, scale, face and neck. As a result, you may stop a headache before it stops you, or at least reduce the headache's severity and duration.


Breathe deeply and relax your entire body, giving particular attention to relaxing your head, face and neck.


Start with the eyes. Relax and breathe deeply. Close your eyes and squeeze them together as tightly as you can, holding the squeeze for about 2 seconds. Repeat several times, breath deeply and relax.


Relax your entire body, particularly your face and neck area. Lower your jaw as far as possible, then move it to the left, back to the center and then to the right. Put as much tension as possible on the muscles of your lower jaw and neck.


Finish with a scalp massage. Put the second and third fingers of each hand on the indentation of your temples and massage with medium to firm pressure for several seconds. Close your eyes and concentrate on relaxing your facial and scalp muscles as you massage.


Repeat the calisthenics for headache relief as needed. They are especially effective if you do them when you feel the first signs of a headache.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to Do Breathing Exercises While Working at the Computer

How to Do Breathing Exercises While Working at the Computer

Working at the computer is a time-consuming daily activity for many people today. Fast-paced offices with tight deadlines are a typical environment in which these computers and their human counterparts reside for a good portion of the waking hours. When even getting up for a walk around the office or a stretch is too much to ask, take a minute to do some breaking exercises while you're at the computer.


While sitting at the computer, sit up straight and close your eyes.


Place both feet flat on the ground.


Exhale fully, relaxing the stomach muscles.


Inhale while counting "one."


Exhale while counting "two."


Keep going until you have reached "ten." Then, start over.


If you lose track of your numbers, you will know that you are more distracted than you realize. If time allows, make an effort to get fresh air or a drink of water. If time does not allow, give this breathing exercise another couple of shots.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to Do Bicep Stretches for Shoulder Physical Therapy

How to Do Bicep Stretches for Shoulder Physical Therapy

Rehabilitating your shoulder can be quite a long process. No matter how it became injured, greatly reducing the use of one of your arms for a period of time can be a tough adjustment. Here are some tips on how to do a bicep stretch for your shoulder as part of a physical therapy program.

General Bicep and Front Shoulder Stretch


Straighten your elbow so that you fully extend your arm.


Pull back your fingertips to initiate a stretch for your bicep and shoulder area. Make sure your palm is up. Also you just need a little pressure on your fingertips as this stretch goes counter to the normal position of your elbow.


Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds to complete this stretch.

Front Shoulder Stretch


Reach behind your body with your arm so that it is as parallel to the ground as you can make it.


Grab the molding on a door frame, or edge of a door to enhance the stretch. By gently pulling your body away the stretch will intensify.


Hold this stretch for 30 to 60 seconds to get a complete stretch.

Tips & Warnings

Add tricep stretches to your routine. Since the tricep muscle works in conjunction with the bicep, it will allow you to lengthen both sets of muscles that intertwine into the shoulder.

Continue to stretch even after you've completed your physical therapy for a bicep injury. Stretching before working out or just in general will keep your muscles limber and loose.

If the pain increases or intensifies, cease the stretch and seek the advice of a doctor or physical therapist immediately.